Sql-server – SSRS report expression FormatDateTime changes Nulls to ‘1/1/0001’

sql serverssrs-2016

I have a report where I need to remove the time from a datetime column.
I've found this expression to work but it changes all the null values to '1/1/0001'


I have tried the below expression to look for nulls but it doesn't appear to work.

=IIF(Fields!Temperature_Control_Inspection_Date is nothing, nothing, FormatDateTime(Fields!Temperature_Control_Inspection_Date.Value,DateFormat.ShortDate))

How can I show just the Date from a DateTime column without also having all the nulls replaced by '1/1/0001'?

Best Answer

Below will work :

=IIf(IsNothing(Fields!Temperature_Control_Inspection_Date.Value), "", FormatDateTime(Fields!Temperature_Control_Inspection_Date.Value, DateFormat.ShortDate))

Above will have null dates as blank. Also, it will remove the time and just get you the date portion.