Sql-server – SSRS 2012 Report variables scope


I have a report that uses data from several datasets. I chose to do it this way because the alternative would be to join about 12 tables.

From what I can gather, I have to use the dataset name to define the scope of the variable when using it in expressions. I have tried to do this, but I still get an error.

The expression I'm using is:

=(Fields!PropertyDescription.Value, "Application")

And the error I get is:

System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: The Value expression for the text box ‘Textbox11’ refers directly to the field ‘PropertyDescription’ without specifying a dataset aggregate. When the report contains multiple datasets, field references outside of a data region must be contained within aggregate functions which specify a dataset scope.

Even if I use an expression such as

=First(Fields!PropertyDescription.Value, "Application")

I get the same error.

Can someone perhaps help me with this error or suggest another way of combining the data?

Best Answer

After some more research I realised that what I wanted was data regions. I'm now using different lists and tablixes to bind to the different datasets.