Sql-server – SSMS18 – Default File Location (Changed ssms.Application.pkgdef)

sql serverssms

I have changed the DefaultProjectsLocation (SSMS18) from the default (My Documents) to a folder on my network. But when I run SSMS18 and open Projects it is still looking at the default location. What am I missing?

Best Answer

If using SSMS with a full install of SQL Server then there is a good answer on Stackoverflow.

If using SSMS as a standalone then the following should work

  1. Locate C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 18\Common7\IDE\Extensions\Application
  2. Open ssms.application.pkgdef with a text editor(e.g. Notepad)
  3. Change the value of DefaultProjectsLocation
  4. "DefaultProjectsLocation"="C:\MYNEWPATH"
  5. Save the file