Sql-server – SSMS: Show execution plan for a stored procedure as a single tree


I execute a stored procedure with an option "Include Actual Execution Plan". The execution plan always is represented by multiple statements each of which has its own execution plan.

MSDN states the following:

If the statement is a stored procedure
or Transact-SQL statement, it becomes
the root of the graphical execution
plan tree structure. The stored
procedure can have multiple children
that represent statements called by
the stored procedure. Each child is a
node or branch of the tree.

In this case I expect to run a stored procedure and see only one tree where the root node is the stored procedure.

How it is possible to switch on such plan visualization for a stored procedure?

It looks like an estimated subtree cost is not the same for actual and estimated execution plans.

Is there a way how one can see Estimated execution cost for the whole stored procedure and not only for its statements?

Best Answer

The Estimated plans (CTRL + L) show a tree structure. Actual plans (CTRL + M) do not.

I've never seen a tree for a procedure in an actual plan (and I never use estimated plans anyway)