Sql-server – SSMS login to different domain


Our production database is hosted by another company on their domain. I'm able to RDP into the box and login with the credentials they provided me but when I try to login from my local computer on my local domain using SSMS SSMS forces my local credentials. I've tried but can find no way to change these credentials using the SSMS front end.

I attemtped using a shortcut with a target of

C:\...\runas.exe /netonly /user:DOMAIN\USERNAME "C:\...\ssms.exe"

But when SSMS comes up it appears to still be trying to use my local credentials and does not allow me to connect. Is there something I'm missing. How do I tell SSMS that its connecting to a different domain account?

Best Answer

That just looks that way because SSMS fills that in with the local credentials even if you passed it something else via command line.

Behind the scenes, it is using the username you specified in the /user: argument. It would be interesting to know what the actual error message is and if you tried - instead of using a shortcut - from running that command directly in a command line window (and not closing the CMD window while SSMS is still running).

I was just using this feature yesterday so I am 100% certain it works.