SSMS 2016 Query Store Error – Missing Index Details in DocumentFrame

sql serversql-server-2016ssms

Each time I try and view missing index details in Query store I get the following error:

DocumentFrame (SQLEditors)

Program Location: at
sender, EventArgs a) at
System.ComponentModel.Design.MenuCommand.Invoke() at
guidGroup, UInt32 nCmdId, UInt32 nCmdExcept, IntPtr vIn, IntPtr vOut)

Is anybody else experiencing this? Is this something I can fix or is it a bug?

SSMS version 13.0.16106.4

It's a bit frustrating as I can't view the end of the create index recommendation.

Best Answer

It is happening to me from Query Store query plan screens on SSMS 13.0.16106.4 as well.

Workaround that I found, until they fix it:

  • Press "New Query" button for a blank new tab
  • Switch back to the Query Store tab and right-click, select "Missing Index Details" again
  • It'll open up the missing index details in a third tab

When you look at another, you may have to repeat the steps, even if you still have the blank tab open.