Sql-server – sqlcmd to run large SQL file causes high CPU usage


I am using sqlcmd.exe to run a large SQL script, and the server CPU usage has been at 100% for the past 5 hours. The SQL script file has a size of 156 MB. I am running the script on SQL Server 2005. This does not look normal to me.

Using SQL Server Management Studio to run the script is not an option, since it won't run very large files.

Note: I know the SQL script is good, since I was able to run it on my local machine with another tool (xSQL data). Unfortunately, I don't have access to that tool on the server.

Best Answer

If the sql script is 156 MB I suppose that you're doing data load using a single statement for each row.

Is that everything in one big batch (all statements one after the other without GO)? If yes, then SQL Server will try to parse that file all at once... on a file that big you're killing the CPU.


  • can you split that file in more than one batch? so the parsing will be done batch after batch..
  • can you load the data from bcp files instead of sql file?