Sql-server – SQL2012 – Send backup to client via SQL Job

backupjobssql server

Something I thought would be fairly easy..

We host a website for a client. They would like us to send them a database backup monthly. They have Email limits that make sending via EMail not viable. They don't have an FTP site.

I'm trying to come up with a fairly simple, reliable way to (from a scheduled SQL job) copy a backup file to a (free) cloud account like GoogleDrive or OneDrive or ?? that the client can easily access.

No problem creating a SQL job for the backup, scheduling it, etc. the problem is how to then copy the file to an internet destination with minimum hassle. The jobs run under the default SQL Service account.

I'm open to suggestions..?

Best Answer

Assuming that all the various security concerns are met; I would use SQL Agent to kick off a PowerShell Step that would move the file for you. Depending on where you end up pushing the file to this can be easier or harder.

Depending on what version of SQL you are using, you also have the option of backing up directly to Azure Blob storage, builtin. More details here Backup and Restore with Azure Blob Storage