SQL Server Connectivity – Setting a Static Port

azureconnectivitysql server

I am trying to use SQL Server over hybrid connection (Azure). The connection is working, based on tcpping from the Azure console. But I cannot connect to the SQL Server.

No logon attempts seen in Profiler. The SQL server is setup with tcp port and empty dynamic port. I followed the online doc for setup. But sys.tcp_endpoints gives me 0 in port and is_dynamic_port 1 for tcp default.

Why is my SQL Server instance still dynamic and static? I am guessing that this is my issue. I can connect via Management Studio to server,1433 and I am on the correct instance. So it seems like the tcp port is working.

What am I missing?

Best Answer

I have located my issue. The reason was that the hybrid connection doesn't support desktop windows versions. When installed on a server it worked like a charm.