Sql-server – SQL Server Transaction Timeout


Is there a way in SQL Server 2008 R2 to cause a timeout for a database modification involving a transaction? We have a scenario where our application code hangs or throws an exception and fails to perform a rollback or commit. This then causes other sessions to hang waiting for the transaction to complete.

Best Answer

Extending Mark's answer...

When a client timeout event occurs (.net CommandTimeout for example), the client sends an "ABORT" to SQL Server. SQL Server then simply abandons the query processing. No transaction is rolled back, no locks are released.

Now, the connection is returned to the connection pool, so it isn't closed on SQL Server. If this ever happens (via KILL or client reboot etc) then the transactions+locks will be cleared. Note that sp_reset_connection won't or doesn't clear them, even though it is advertised to do so

This detritus from the abort will block other processes.

The way to make SQL Server clear transactions+locks on client timeout (strictly, ABORT events) is to use SET XACT_ABORT ON.

You can verify this be opening 2 query windows in SSMS:

Window 1:

In menu Query..Query Options set a timeout of 5 seconds then run this

UPDATE sometable WITH (TABLOCKX) SET foo = foo WHERE 1 = 0;
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:10' -- just has to be longer then timeout

Window 2, this will wait forever (or hit your timeout)

SELECT * FROM sometable

SET XACT_ABORT ON has interesting side effects too:

  • @@TRANCOUNT is set to zero on the implicit rollback but error 266 is suppressed (this happens if @@TRANCOUNT is different on entry and exit from a stored proc)
  • XACT_STATE will be -1 (it's "doomed")

The combination of this means that you can't use SAVEPOINTS (although, I can't recall exact behaviour) for partial commits/rollbacks. Which suits me


On nested stored procs:

On sp_reset_connection: