Sql-server – SQL Server Standard edition attach partitioned database

partitioningsql serverstandard-edition

I have a little problem. I'm using a SQL Server database version 11. I have to change database edition from enterprise to standard.

I overlooked fact that standard edition doesn't have partitioned function. But I moved all .mdf files to new server. It's about 200Gb of data.

I want to ask you question, if it's possible to attach database without partitioned tables. That tables i can moved over internet. It's about 40Gb, it's ok to moved that file over internet.

Thanks for answer.

Best Answer

This is an older question. But Microsoft just gave you a great new answer if you are using SQL Server 2016 and still in Standard.

Partitioning (among many other features like Compression, Columnstore, In-Memory OLTP, Row Level Security, etc.) is available in SQL Server standard.

Probably too late for this question. But not too late for someone finding this question today. SQL Server 2016 Service Pack 1 is where this change was introduced.

You can read more on Microsoft's post about it.