SQL Server Output Issue – Why SQL Server Returns 0

sql server

To getting the disk space details I am using the following query.

SELECT distinct(volume_mount_point), 
 total_bytes/1048576 as Size_in_MB, 
 available_bytes/1048576 as Free_in_MB,
 (total_bytes/1048576)-(available_bytes/1048576) as Used_in_MB,
 (((total_bytes/1048576)-(available_bytes/1048576))/(total_bytes/1048576))*100 as Used_in_Percentage
FROM sys.master_files AS f CROSS APPLY 
 sys.dm_os_volume_stats(f.database_id, f.file_id)
group by volume_mount_point, total_bytes/1048576, 
 available_bytes/1048576 order by 1

But the above query returns '0' in percentage column.How to fix this error?

Best Answer

Change some of the 1048576's to 1048576.0.

SELECT distinct(volume_mount_point), 
 total_bytes/1048576 as Size_in_MB, 
 available_bytes/1048576.0 as Free_in_MB,
 (total_bytes/1048576)-(available_bytes/1048576.0) as Used_in_MB,
 (((total_bytes/1048576)-(available_bytes/1048576.0))/(total_bytes/1048576))*100 as Used_in_Percentage
FROM sys.master_files AS f CROSS APPLY 
 sys.dm_os_volume_stats(f.database_id, f.file_id)
group by volume_mount_point, total_bytes/1048576, 
 available_bytes/1048576.0 order by 1

It's an awful query though.