SQL Server – How to Reorganize Index Job

sql server

I have an index reorganize job on SQL Server 2012 that fails because page level locking is disabled on it. My three questions are:

  1. Why would page level locking be disabled on an Index?
  2. If I go ahead and make changes and allow page level locking, it is not going to break anything, right?
  3. Is there a script to make all the indexes allow page level locking?

Best Answer

Why would page level locking be disabled on an Index?

By default, [allow_page_locks] is set to 1, so, someone must have changed it in the past to avoid that level of locking.

If I go ahead and make changes and allow page level locking, it is not going to break anything, right?

I would test this in a non-prod environment prior to changing. I would think the outcome would be unexpected locking.

Is there a script?

You could use this script to identify those indexes and then change it to modify those. But, I would think there was probably a good reason for the change in the first place.

Select Indx.name,
from sys.indexes Indx
left outer join sys.objects OBJ 
    on OBJ.object_id=Indx.Object_id
where allow_page_locks = 0