Sql-server – SQL Server: Recursive dynamic SQL puzzle

dynamic-sqlsql server

I was looking at this post of trim all columns of a table. In the answer query script the column names gets concatenated without any looping operation. I simplified it to check its work flow as explained below.

  • Create a new database

  • Create a new table with three columns as in below script.(insert
    values not required)

    Create table table1(id int, name varchar(20), city varchar(20))

    Execute below T-SQL Script, which results xxx [id] [name] [city] in single row.

    Declare @a as varchar(4000)
    SET @a = 'xxx '
    SELECT @a

Where as below script results in 3 rows

Declare @a as varchar(4000)
SET @a = 'xxx '

To understand more better I executed the below query using Top 1. This results xxx [id]

Declare @a as varchar(4000)
SET @a = 'xxx '

I got puzzled With Top 2 query. This resulted xxx [id] [name].

Where as I was expecting xxx [id] xxx [id] [name] i.e. First value + second value. Where am I going wrong.

I am curious to know how the column names getting concatenated. Sorry I could not frame better title for this puzzle.

Best Answer

I am curious to know how the column names getting concatenated.

Can't really answer that. Some internal workings of SQL Server creates a result like that, sometimes.

The technique has been around for a considerable amount of time. Microsoft does not support the functionality and advises not to use it.

From SET @local_variable (Transact-SQL)

Do not use a variable in a SELECT statement to concatenate values (that is, to compute aggregate values). Unexpected query results may occur. This is because all expressions in the SELECT list (including assignments) are not guaranteed to be executed exactly once for each output row.

Instead you can use a cursor or the for xml trick to do the same.

declare @a as varchar(4000);
set @a = 'xxx ';

set @a = @a + (
              select quotename(COLUMN_NAME) as '*'
              for xml path(''), type
              ).value('text()[1]', 'varchar(4000)');

Result: xxx [city][id][name]