Sql-server – SQL Server Profiler 2005 on remote SQL Server 2008 Express

profilersql servertrace

Is it able to trace remote SQL Server 2008 using SQL Profiler 2005? If yes, anyone knows what else should I do, if during loging in appeares this message "Unable to locate trace definition file for microsoft sql version 10.0.0"?

I tried to go on by this link (http://blogs.msdn.com/b/sqlserverfaq/archive/2011/01/14/unable-to-read-trace-definition-file-microsoft-sql-server-tracedefinition-n-n1-n2-xml.aspx), but my SQLPath looks good. Any suggestions?

Best Answer

Those messages about 'unable to read trace definition' and the fix are always from a newer SQL Profiler version trying to connect to an older SQL Server version. You are trying the other way (from older SQL Profiler to newer SQL Server) and it won't work. AFAIK You need to use SQL Profiler 2008 or newer.