SQL Server 2014 – Resolving Inaccurate Patch Level Issues

service-packsql serversql server 2014upgrade

I have a box that lists SQL Server 2014 SP2 (12.2.5000) in both add/remove programs and the registry


However, if I run SELECT @@VERSION it returns 12.0.2000. If I look at the sqlsrvr.exe it also lists 12.0.2000.

Doing some testing I can get a machine in this state (not sure if this is how it happened in production).

  1. Windows 7 SP1 image with SQL Server 2014 RTM (12.0.2000)
  2. Execute SQL Server 2014 SP2 installer as an upgrade (non-automated)
  3. Once on the accept license screen, cancel the install
  4. Reboot the machine

The big problem is that if I execute the SQL Server 2014 SP2 upgrade package against this machine nothing is upgraded. What are my options? Do I just need to tear out SQL Server and install clean? I would love to avoid that if possible as this will have to happen at 200+ locations

Okay, so this is where I say I'm not a DBA and I figured out what was happening. Apparently the "Upgrade" option does not upgrade the instance. Still doing some reading on that, but I can "add features to an existing instance" and get things upgraded. Still digging through, I will post an answer once I have everything squared away. Thank you for all the suggestions thus far.

At current this is the installer that was used.
When running through this upgrade the "Upgrade from SQL Server 2005, 2008, etc. option is chosen. I believe this is the issue at it appears to just updgrade Shared Features? I could use this installer and go through the add features to an existing installation and select the appropriate instances.

I believe this is the installer we should be using as it is a patch to SP2.
Select all instances and go. Seems easier.

Did I break this down about right?

Best Answer

Don't be a dummy and run the right stuff. Using this patch https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=53168 and this command everything works great.

C:\FILELOCATION\SQLServer2014SP2-KB3171021-x64-ENU.exe /qs /IAcceptSQLServerLicenseTerms /Action=Patch /AllInstances