Sql-server – SQL Server Mirror failover on failing storage


Recently we had an issue with a sql server 2008 r2 HA mirror. I have tried to reproduce this in a lab environment and i came to the conclusion that i am missing something OR something is not possible.

I am using 2 sql server 2008 r2 servers. Both the servers have a iscsi storage connection to a storage server. Mirroring is done with a witness server in HS mode.
i have followed a blog post by Glenn Berry about how to create a group failover, he told me on twitter it would also be usable in case of failing storage. However, somewhere i can't really get things to work.

What am i doing. I have a sql-01 as princiapl and a sql-02 as mirror. 2 databases running in HA mirror mode. I have a failover script running on WMI 7 and 8. When i go to my storage server to disable the storage of sql-01 i would suspect that eventually i get a failover to sql-02. but it doesn't…

Anyone can give me some hints on this?

Edit : Failover with a shutdown-ed storage for sql-01 looks working, because of a tempdb that is getting corrupt which needs recovery (according to logs). Therefor the instance has to shutdown (also in the logs), so probably that is my reason i can failover from sql-01 to sql-02, by accident and apparently not by design.

Best Answer

Just to move my part into an Answer. It would appear the "problem" is that the script in the blog ( http://sqlserverperformance.wordpress.com/2012/03/27/sql-server-database-mirroring-tips-and-tricks-part-3/ ) is using an ALTER DATABASE dbname SET PARTNER FAILOVER; to failover the rest of the 'failover' group.

As all the dbs were on the same disk, this fails as SQL SERVER can't run the ALTER DATABASE command if it can't get in to the database. So moving the databases onto seperate disks fixes that.

But that sort of makes sense. If all the databases are on the same disk then they should failover automatically as a 'group' as they all need to be fail overed. The referenced script would make sense if you did have databases on seperate disks that needed to failover together if just one of the disks failed.