SQL Server Log Shipping – File Copy Options

disaster recoverylog-shippingsql server

I usually use redgate sql backup which has a transaction log copy mechanism built in.

If I roll my own log shipping, what are established ways to move the log file?

I want to emphasize: The way log shipping works in the log shipping feature is a mess. The requirement of a file share, and all the firewall and auth overhead of that are simply over the top.

In my dreams, there would be an automatic way to do log shipping via azure files. Click click click. Think how great this would be:

1) No file shares needed!
2) Your backups and tran logs are automatically backed up in azure cloud (DR step #1 !)
3) The remote can be anywhere
4) I can now easily do one-to-many log shipping, because the point to point architecture of the built in log shipping is side stepped.

Best Answer

I had the same requirement as a component for our Disaster Recovery solution. Due to security and policy reasons, it was not possible to use regular Log Shipping.

We ended up transferring the logs via Linux servers and rsync, and implementing the Log Backup restore using a small application which can be found at https://github.com/kervinpierre/mssqlapplylogs