SQL Server Spatial – Line Constructor or Version of ST_MakeLine(pt1,pt2)

spatialsql server

PostGIS provides a function called ST_MakeLine(pt1,pt2). It's great for constructing lines. MySQL does the same with LineString(pt1,pt2). What do you call the SQL Server analog that takes two Points and constructs a LineString?

I looked up LineString, but didn't see it mentioned.

Here is a test case on dbfiddle.

Sample data,

  pt1 geometry,
  pt2 geometry,

INSERT INTO #tmp(pt1,pt2) VALUES
  (geometry::Point(1,1,4326), geometry::Point(2,2,4326)),
  (geometry::Point(2,2,4326), geometry::Point(5,5,4326)),
  (geometry::Point(3,3,4326), geometry::Point(4,4,4326)),
  (geometry::Point(4,4,4326), geometry::Point(3,3,4326)),
  (geometry::Point(5,5,4326), geometry::Point(4,4,4326));


SELECT pt1, pt2
  'My Line' AS line -- what goes here
FROM #tmp;

And I'm wanting "My Line" to be the LineString.

pt1         pt2         line
POINT (1 1) POINT (2 2) My Line
POINT (2 2) POINT (5 5) My Line
POINT (3 3) POINT (4 4) My Line
POINT (4 4) POINT (3 3) My Line
POINT (5 5) POINT (4 4) My Line

Best Answer

Try ShortestLineTo():

  pt1.ShortestLineTo(pt2).ToString() AS line -- what goes here
FROM #tmp;


POINT (1 1)   POINT (2 2)   LINESTRING (1 1, 2 2)
POINT (2 2)   POINT (5 5)   LINESTRING (2 2, 5 5)
POINT (3 3)   POINT (4 4)   LINESTRING (3 3, 4 4)
POINT (4 4)   POINT (3 3)   LINESTRING (4 4, 3 3)
POINT (5 5)   POINT (4 4)   LINESTRING (5 5, 4 4)