Sql-server – SQL Server Express Freezes for a couple minutes

amazon ec2sql serversql-server-express

I have SQL Server Express on an AWS micro instance. These instances have only 615MB of RAM. For the most part it performs fine. My application can make up to about 15 db connections. However, every once in a while it just freezes for a couple of minutes.. my own application logs show all kinds of query time-outs, new db connection attempts failing because of an incorrect pwd (even though I am sure the attempt is using the correct pwd). But after a couple minutes everything turns out fine again.

I have checked eventvwr.msc logs but it doesn't reveal anything. I know there are not backups running at the time. And I have inspected SQL Server logs from SQL Server Management Studio but these too don't reveal anything.

Any ideas? Am I pushing the limits of SQL Server? I have read before the Express Editions run fine until certain connection thresholds get met. Could the number of db connections be an issue?

Best Answer

There is couple of important point missed

Please check whether Auto Close option is set to true for database. I have seen lots of similar issue where Auto close option was culprit.

Is OS resifing on Virtual machine or Physical ?. If its is virtual look for any VM snapshot backup happeing this might also cause freezing.

Other thing can be, do you have backup taken for database using third party tool/windows native backup if so these tools freeze data files for couple of sec to sync metadata and take consistent backup.And you can see VIRTUAL_DEVICE in errorlog when you specifically look ta backup information in it.

Hope this helps