Sql-server – SQL Server Express acting strange

performancesql server

I'm not an IT pro, but a web developer that happens to have his own blog.
The blog is hosted on a private VM on which I have both IIS and SQL Server.

Sometime my blog, which is not super busy stops responding to requests, and today I did a bit more of troubleshooting and logging via remote desktop I found that every now and then the CPU acts weird and does the following.

CPU usage

It happens for a certain period of time and then goes back to normal. And after a while it starts again. I really have not clue of what might cause that. Can someone help me solve that nasty problem?
Thank you

Best Answer

If you happen to find that SQL Server is consuming the resources a few things you can check within SQL Server:

Adam Machanic's sp_whoisactive. It documents using it very well and it can provide a wealth of information about what your system is doing at times.

A quick query with the performance DMVs can also shed some light on what is going on.