Sql-server – SQL Server expensive nested loops join and lazy table spool

execution-planperformancequery-performancesql serversql-server-2016t-sql

I am trying to tune the below query which takes 15-16 seconds no matter what value is passed in as a parameter, the query is:

select distinct d.documentpath as path, d.documentname as name, d.datecreated as created, pc.DateProcessed
from datagatheringruntime dgr 
 inner join processentitymapping pem on pem.entityid = dgr.entityid 
 inner join document d on d.entityid = pem.entityid or d.unitofworkid = pem.processid
 left join PendingCorrespondence pc on pc.PendingCorrespondenceId = d.PendingCorrespondenceId
 where rootid = @P0 and dgr.name in('cust_pn', 'case_pn')

I have updated the statistics for all the tables touched by the query (excluding the DataGatheringRuntime table which is quite big at ~100GB) and have tried re-factoring the query using a CTE but get the same execution plan and need some assistance.

The actual execution plan can be found here:


It's clear from the execution plan that the problem lies with the outer input on the nested loop join specifically with the lazy table spool following the scan of the non-clustered IX_Camunda_1 index on the Document table but I have no idea how to tackle that issue and would appreciate any guidance.

enter image description here

Best Answer

I would try removing the OR clause in the join between document and processingentitymapping

You could do that with UNION

SELECT distinct d.documentpath as path, d.documentname as name, d.datecreated as created, pc.DateProcessed
FROM datagatheringruntime dgr 
INNER JOIN processentitymapping pem on pem.entityid = dgr.entityid 
INNER JOIN document d on d.entityid = pem.entityid 
LEFT JOIN PendingCorrespondence pc on pc.PendingCorrespondenceId = d.PendingCorrespondenceId
WHERE rootid = @P0 and dgr.name in('cust_pn', 'case_pn')
SELECT distinct d.documentpath as path, d.documentname as name, d.datecreated as created, pc.DateProcessed
FROM datagatheringruntime dgr 
INNER JOIN processentitymapping pem on pem.entityid = dgr.entityid 
INNER JOIN document d on d.unitofworkid = pem.processid
LEFT JOIN PendingCorrespondence pc on pc.PendingCorrespondenceId = d.PendingCorrespondenceId
WHERE rootid = @P0 and dgr.name in('cust_pn', 'case_pn')

The reason being that the table spool is feeding the NESTED LOOPS operator enter image description here

And on this nested loops operator is the OR predicate. enter image description here

Filtering out until we have 9 rows remaining.

Changing the OR to a UNION should remove the spool, you might have to look into indexing after removing the OR.

Indexes that could improve performance after rewriting with UNION

on document(EntityId)
INCLUDE(DocumentPath, DocumentName, DateCreated, PendingCorrespondenceId);

on document(UnitOfWorkId)
INCLUDE(DocumentPath, DocumentName, DateCreated, PendingCorrespondenceId);

See here for another example on this