SQL Server – Backups on DataDomain

backupsql server

Our sysadmins keep pushing us to use data domain and DD boost for taking our SQL Backups. Has anyone successfully used this solution? I know what Brent Ozar says about Data domain and sql backups. But apparently the DD boost makes it a better solution. Has anyone used DD boost and also used SQL Backup by redgate? Just wanted to get thoughts on what you would say to your sysadmins and managers apart from this article from Brent Ozar.

Best Answer

Data Domains use their own deduplication and compression features, which don't always play well with SQL Server's own compression. That's the main point.

Whether this is problematic or not depends on many factors. If you're not compressing your backups with SQL Server, the Data Domain will be able to deduplicate the data more efficiently, but more data will have to travel through the network. If you're compressing your backups, the Data Domain will deduplicate less efficiently, so your sysadmin will likely push you in the uncompressed route.

Another possible issue is an higher amount of time for restores, since the DD will have to apply its magic to the data before making it available to you.

In the end, there is only one way to know for sure: test it. Take backups with and without DD for a significant amount of time (take at least the number of backups you will normally keep online - say 1 month), with and without compression. Restore those backups to a test server regularly, compare the backup/restore times with and without DD and draw your conclusions.

We tested the impact of DD on our backups and it turned out to have an acceptable impact on performance in our case, especially taking into account the advantages offered by DD. YMMV: your RTO may or may not not allow such impact.