SQL Server – Archiving Data Functionality

archiveperformanceperformance-tuningsql serversql-server-2012stored-procedures

Our company is looking for functionalilty/or automated way to archive data in SQL Server.
Currently, we create archive tables with identity surrogate, and develop stored procedures to import data. We are conducting this for 100+ tables, data is 2 years or older. Does SQL Server have functionality or automated way to archive data (Wizard tool, UI) or does person have to develop stored procedures? I am thinking of creating dynamic sql to write script for 100+ tables.


-- If no functionality exists, will create dynamic sql for tables using template below

create table dbo.CustomerTransaction
    CustomerTransactionId bigint primary key identity(1,1) not null ,
    CustomerName varchar(255) null ,
    ProductName varchar(255) null,
    Quantity int null ,
    CreateDatetimestamp datetime not null  

create table dbo.CustomerTransactionArchive
    CustomerTransactionArchiveId bigint primary key identity(1,1) not null ,
    CustomerTransactionId bigint null,
    CustomerName varchar(255) null ,
    ProductName varchar(255) null,
    Quantity int null ,
    CreateDatetimestamp datetime not null  

create procedure dbo.CustomerTransactionArchive

    declare rowmin bigint = (Select min(CustomerTransactionId) from dbo.CustomerTransaction where Createdatetimestamp < dateadd(year,-2,CreateDatetimestamp ))
    declare rowmax bigint = (Select max(CustomerTransactionId) from dbo.CustomerTransaction where Createdatetimestamp < dateadd(year,-2,CreateDatetimestamp ))
    declare rowcounter bigint = rowcountermin

      -- insert into 100,000 record block, do not want to lock too many pages in table
    while rowcounter <= rowmax 

        insert into dbo.CustomerTransactionArchive  (
        select * from dbo.CustomerTransactionArchive  
        where CustomerTransactionId between rowcounter and (rowcounter +100000) 
        and Createdatetimestamp < dateadd(year,-2,CreateDatetimestamp ))

        rowcounter = rowcounter + 100001

Archive tables will be in different database

Best Answer

There is no built in functionality.

The stored procedure route will work, but you might also want to look into an ETL package (like SSIS) to do this as it may be easier to maintain.

You could also look into partitioning on CreateDate for all your tables in order to efficiently drop older data, but that would still require some custom code to rotate the partitions. They could, however, use a common partition scheme and function if the DDL on the CreateDate is the same for each.

If you were to upgrade, you could also look at using Temporal Tables or Stretch Database from SQL 2016, though those aren't out of the box auto-archive features necessarily.