Sql-server – SQL Server AlwaysOn from multiple origins to a single secondary replica server

availability-groupssql server

I started working in a small company which have three separate databases, for three different systems. They are SQL Server 2008, 2012 and 2014, installed in different servers.

We'd like to set up an AlwaysOn AG to replicate into another offsite server (one server only). Is it possible to create 3 availability groups from different servers and SQL versions into a single SQL Server 2014 instance?

I think I'll have troubles setting up the WSFC from multiple origins to a single server.

Is there any other way to fix this issue, since we only have a single offsite server to replicate our systems?

Best Answer

It is possible, provided that:

  • all servers run the same post 2012 version, preferably 2014 and all patched to the same SP/CU.
  • all servers are licensed to Enterprise Edition
  • all servers are in the same domain, or a within domains that trust each other

Perhaps you are interested in Transactional Replication instead? This would support a heterogeneous configuration (2008, 2012, 2014), crossing domain boundaries via mirrored NT accounts, does not require Enterprise licensing everywhere. You need to explicitly set up the 'published articles' (ie. what tables get replicated).