SQL Server – Always Running: Troubleshooting and Solutions

sql serverssmst-sql

I have a personal computer where I have different instances of SQL server running (developer edition) with both integration services and analysis services (one in tabular and one in multidimensional). I use it for practice and to improve my skills. The start mode in Configuration Manager is "Automatic". So I have two instances each with both SSIS and SSAS. When I am not using SQL Server will these services use a lot of resources on my computer by simply running in the background?


Best Answer

SQL Server takes up as much memory as it needs.
https://www.brentozar.com/archive/2011/09/sysadmins-guide-microsoft-sql-server-memory/ https://www.brentozar.com/blitz/max-memory/

I also have it on a laptop, but I have the services set to manual. They're only consuming memory when I need them to.

DataOnWheels has a great post about starting/stopping SQL Server Services with Powershell. https://www.sqlservercentral.com/blogs/starting-and-stopping-sql-server-with-powershell

*Edited after I Implemented it on my laptop, and changed name of Service since most users I know have "MSSQLSERVER" as the service name:

To Start SQL Server

##Needs to run in admin Mode. 

##Ensure permissions are valid

##To Start SQL Server Automatically

To Stop SQL Server:

##Needs to run in admin Mode. 

##Ensure permissions are valid

##To Stop SQL Server 
SET-Service 'MSSQLSERVER' -StartupType Disabled

I'd suggest running those through a BAT file and linking that to an icon on your desktop.

I suggest it because it's what I'm about to do.