Sql-server – SQL Server Activity Monitor – Resource Waits – Logging > 1400 ms/sec, how

activity-monitorperformancesql serversql-server-2008-r2

I have an SQL Server 2008 R2 server. I open "Activity Monitor", and inside the "Resource Waits" category, I see that the "Logging" category is taking up more than 1400 ms/sec.

That doesn't seem to be normal, what does that mean and how do I diagnose the cause?


I ran this query, suggested by Shark:

select * from sys.dm_os_wait_stats order by wait_time_ms desc

and got these results:

wait_type                         waiting_tasks_count  wait_time_ms         max_wait_time_ms     signal_wait_time_ms
--------------------------------- ------------------- -------------------- --------------------- ---------------- 
LCK_M_IX                          3662                 102060386            31410                233
LAZYWRITER_SLEEP                  741527               63315760             305163               28805
WRITELOG                          3531635              42147142             4142                 309360
REQUEST_FOR_DEADLOCK_SEARCH       6327                 31676553             5038                 31676553

Best Answer

I would check disk health / performance for volumes holding your transaction logs. You are seeing a delay due to the durability requirement, logging is backed up.

Check for I/O delays on tlog files in activity monitor as well.