Sql-server – SQL Server 2014 Management Studio Backup error

sql server

I had installed Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Management Studio and had been working on a database for sometime now. My laptop had Windows 7 (64 bit) installed. And I had been taking regular backup on that machine and also stored the backup on an external drive.

Due to some reason my laptop stopped working. So now I started working on a different laptop. This other laptop has Windows 7 (32 bit) installed on it. I installed Microsoft SQL Sever 2014 Management Studio and restored my database using the .bak file.

I have been working on this database for sometime now and now the problem is when I try to take backup of my database I get this error:

SQLServer Error

Can someone please tell me how to resolve this error and how can I again take backup on this Windows 32 bit laptop?


Best Answer

Change your Backup command to something like this

TO DISK = N'D:\MyDB.bak' 
     NAME = N'MyDB backup', STATS = 10, FORMAT

Notice the FORMAT at the end.

This should do it. You're changing NOFORMAT to FORMAT and remove NOSKIP