SQL Server 2014 – Edition Downgrade Guide

downgrademigrationsql server 2014standard-edition

I have a SQL Server 2014 Standard Edition used by my devs to test their applications pointing to a common instance. Lately I've been informed that for this purpose I can use Developer Edition, that it would keep all the features they need to work.

I've see on Microsoft website that this counts as an Edition Downgrade and won't have a proper "Wizard" to help on this task. Seeing this, I planned on:

  1. Backup all databases, export users, jobs and grants.
  2. Uninstall Standard Edition.
  3. Install Developer Edition.
  4. Restore databases and re-create users, give grants and re-create jobs.

I did use DBA Tools Powershell Library to migrate a previous instance on the exact same case. Is this plan the easiest option to achieve this migration?

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Event though it says its a downgrade, I would say its kind of an upgrade since Developer Edition is equivalent to enterprise in-terms of features.

A straight Start-DbaMigration (from dbatools) will copy all stuff.

I would suggest to provision new machines and just use dbatools to migrate off and then decomm the old standard edition.

Just be aware, if in PROD you are using Standard Edition and your devs started using Enterprise features since they are available in Dev edition, then you will be in trouble as those wont work in PROD being in standard edition.