Sql-server – SQL Server 2014 compile Stored Procedure response

sql server 2014stored-procedures

I have several SQL Servers and databases and when I compile a Stored Procedure I receive one of two responses…

ALTER_PROCEDURE - dbo.usp_MyProcedure


Command(s) completed successfully.

My question is why did I receive different responses. The setting has to be at the server level somewhere, because every database on that server where I compile the SP I get the same message. I received the alter message on 17 databases on 3 servers, and the command completed message on 19 databases on 7 servers.

I use Redgate's Multi Script to push the stored procedure at the same time, I know it is not in Multi Script due to compiling the SP using SSMS yields the sames responses.
Can anybody point me to the setting that controls this response?

Best Answer

It looks like a DDL trigger exists in some, but not all, of the databases. The trigger apparently uses a PRINT or RAISERROR statement to generate a message containing the DDL action and object name.