SQL Server 2012 – Users Cannot See Database Properties


I migrated a database from SQL Server 2008 to 2012 and also the users.

Now the weird thing is that if the user connects to SSMS on the same server as the SQL Server engine, he can display database properties but he cannot when he uses SSMS to access it remotely (from another machine). He can log, run SQL queries but not display the properties.

Here is the error message:

enter image description here

Even stranger, if I log remotely with sa, I CAN display database properties but not as a normal user.

I looked around, tried many things, created new users in the new server. But same problem.

I tried this Rights needed to see database files in Properties dialog? in the Securables but the parameters do not seem to be saved. When I reopen they are gone – see screenshot

enter image description here

Please help

Best Answer

I think the problem comes from the fact that all the remote SSMS were v 2008. When I logged in from another computer with SSMS 2012, I could display everything.

But we use the 2 versions: 2008 and 2012. Any one knows a quick fix to access a SQL Server 2012 with a SSMS 2008?

Thank you