Sql-server – SQL Server 2012 Transactional Replication – twin subscriptions on same machine

sql serversql-server-2012transactional-replication

Server A publishes Pub1, Server B subscribes to Pub1.

Server A and Server B are both SQL Server 2012 Standard Edition, default instances.

When I use Replication Monitor to drop-in a Tracer Token, one publisher-subscriber shows-up passing the token as expected.

When I run sp_helpsubscription 'Pub1' on Server A, one subscription shows-up as expected.

When I expand Replication->Local Subscriptions in SSMS on Server B, two identical subscriptions show-up.

What's going on? Which subscription should I delete at Server B?

Best Answer

Giova's query brought into sharper focus the name of the publication; Pub 1 vs. Pub_1, for example.

The difference between the two subscriptions was the under-bar, '_', character in the name of the publication.

The subscription referencing the non-existent publication was deleted.