Sql-server – SQL Server 2012 slower than 2008

performancesql serversql-server-2012

I migrated a large website and database from an older server (Windows 2008 / SQL Server 2008 / 16 GB RAM / 2 x 2.5 GHz Quad Core / SAS disks) to a newer, much better server (Windows 2008 R2 / SQL Server 2012 SP1 / 64 GB RAM / 2 x 2.1 GHz 16 Core processors / SSD disks).

I detached the database files on the old server, copied and attached them on the new server. Everything went very well.

After that, I changed to compatibility level to 110, updated statistics, rebuild indexes.

To my huge disappointment, I noticed that most sql queries are much slower (2-3-4 times slower) on the new SQL 2012 server than on the old SQL 2008 server.

For example, on a table with around 700k records, on the old server a query on index took around 100ms. On the new server, the same query takes around 350 ms.

Same happens for all queries.

I would appreciate some help here. Let me know what to check/verify. Because I find it very hard to believe that on a better server with a newer SQL Server, the performance is worse.

More details:

Memory is set to max.

I have this table and index:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Answer_Details_23](
    [ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [UserID] [int] NOT NULL,
    [SurveyID] [int] NOT NULL,
    [CustomerID] [int] NOT NULL default 0,
    [SummaryID] [int] NOT NULL,
    [QuestionID] [int] NOT NULL,
    [RowID] [int] NOT NULL default 0,
    [OptionID] [int] NOT NULL default 0,
    [EnteredText] [ntext] NULL,
    [ID] ASC

CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IDX_Answer_Details_23_SummaryID_QuestionID] ON [dbo].[Answer_Details_23]
    [SummaryID] ASC,
    [QuestionID] ASC

I executed this query:

set statistics time on;
select summaryid, count(summaryid) from Answer_Details_23 group by summaryid order by count(summaryid) desc;
set statistics time off;

OLD SERVER – SQL Server Execution Times:
CPU time = 419 ms, elapsed time = 695 ms.

NEW SERVER – SQL Server Execution Times:
CPU time = 1340 ms, elapsed time = 1636 ms.

EXECUTION PLANS uploaded here:

Later update:

  • AMD 2.1GHz Opteron 16 core processors look much worse than Intel 2.5GHz quad core processors
  • Great improvement changing windows power options from ballanced to high power
  • Further improvement changing max degree of parallelism to 8 and cost threshold to 4

Now, SQL Server Execution Times: CPU time = 550 ms, elapsed time = 828 ms.

It's still worse than the old server, but not that bad. If you have any other suggestions (other than local query optimizations) please feel free to comment.

Best Answer

I have had similar issues with SQL Server, it is possible that your server is not optimally configured. Newer Xeons come with TurboBoost, HT, etc. that can affect server performance significantly.

For example, we have had success with; Low Latency Configuration for Dell servers

The settings will be applicable to non-Dell servers, they just might have different names.

We also improved performance by setting the windows power management profile to high performance, from Balanced. A final piece is that it is recommended to reserve up to 8GB of memory for the OS on x64 servers, the default SQL install takes all memory. You might want to try 4/8GB reservation by setting your max SQL Server memory configuration to 4/8GB less than total memory.

My recommendation would be to revert to the old server if possible. If you do not have regression/automation/load scripts available, then the best you can do is to record your system activity for 1-4 hours during a high activity period. Then setup a web server the same as production, and a client machine to run the script. Run the same activity against the new server, make the configuration change and run the same activity again. Really you would want to do much more, but it doesn't appear that it would be viable and is outside the scope of this question.