SQL Server 2012 Security – SA Account Probe


On one of my servers (Win 2012 R2), SQL Server 2012 is constantly under attack with the SA account being hit like 10 times per second with different passwords. I don't have an SA account but still I would like to stop this probing as its probably consuming resources. I keep checking the logs and blocking the offending IPs at firewall level manually, still I would like a better solution. SQL Server runs locally with IIS to serve its websites, I only need to connect to SQL Server remotely for database development with SSMS, so at first I thought setting up a VPN but not sure if this is going to play well with SSMS and other services like FTP. As in interim solution where can I stop SQL Server from being visible to the outside world at the firewall by disabling port 1433, or elsewhere? I can then enable/disable this when developing and perhaps just for my IP. Thanks.

Best Answer

SQL Server runs locally with IIS to serve its websites

The main problem I see is having sql server and IIS running on the same server. IIS serves website and SQL Server should be on a different server and only allowed connection from IIS to SQLServer.

There are things that you can do to mitigate the problem: