Sql-server – SQL Server 2012 RC installation failing

sql serversql-server-2008sql-server-2012

I'm trying to test out the new SS 2012 RC, but I'm having problems with the installation.

My installation stops a ways in saying that the resource needed cannot be found. I'm using the ISO from MSDN and mounting it using MagicDisc. I browse to the location of the missing resource (vs_setup.msi) on the disc and it says that the vs_setup.msi file is not valid for VS 2010 Ultimate. I tried both vs_setup.msi's on the installation iso and both said they weren't valid. Any ideas on what I am doing incorrectly?

I do have VS2010 Ultimate already installed.

The dialogue specifically says:

The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable.

It tried to default to this directory, but the directory doesn't exist on my machine:


Browsing to the vs_setup.msi in E:\1033_ENU_LP\redist\VisualStudioShell\VSIntSetup and in E:\1033_ENU_LP\redist\VisualStudioShell\VSSetup doesn't work either.

Anyone have any suggestions for what I might be doing wrong?

Best Answer

Download the Visual Studio 2010 ISO (Ultimate, in your case).

Extract it to a folder and use that folder path when prompted for vs_setup.msi.