SQL Server 2012 Install Hangs – RunRemoteDiscoveryAction Issue

clusteringsql serversql-server-2012

I've tried multiple times to install SQL Server 2012 on a 2-node cluster. I've tried multiple different media. Each time it hangs shortly after the initial validation check.

The detail log for the install has this for the last entry before it hangs…

(01) 2014-11-17 23:55:49 Slp: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
(01) 2014-11-17 23:55:49 Slp: Running Action: RunRemoteDiscoveryAction
(01) 2014-11-17 23:55:49 Slp: Running discovery on local machine
(01) 2014-11-17 23:55:50 Slp: Discovery on local machine is complete
(01) 2014-11-17 23:55:50 Slp: Running discovery on remote machine: NODE2

The same thing happens on NODE1 when it tries to install.

The only other google article I could find on this was an unanswered msdn article with almost the same description of my problem.

I can ping each node from the other. The Cluster doesn't appear to be displaying any errors either. All nodes and networks are showing up and running in the cluster manager.

How can I get the installer to skip this task? What is the fix for this?

Best Answer

The install is no longer hanging. After opening a call with Microsoft we discovered the problem was trying to open the registry of the other node on the cluster. Additionally we were unable to use admin shares (i.e. \NODE1\C$). Once we enabled the Admin Shares, I was able to perform the installation and get past the point where it was hanging.

  • Enable Admin Shares (i.e. \NODE1\C$ should be accessible from NODE2)