SQL Server 2008 R2 – Understanding Ghost Memory


We have a dedicated SQL Server 2008 R2 machine that is experiencing some strange memory issues.. The machine itself has plenty of resources including two quad-core processors, 16gb of RAM and 64bit Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (it is a Dell PowerEdge 2950).

The strange problem is that the system is reporting 82% of memory in use but sqlservr.exe is only reporting 155mb in use. The reason that I suspect SQL Server is the issue is because if I restart the sqlservr.exe process the memory consumption returns to normal for a period of time.

Does anyone have any ideas on how I can start to track this issue down?

Thanks, Jason

Best Answer

You won't get a true picture of memory usage from Task Manager if the account the service is running under has the lock pages in memory privilege (edit: as per Mark Rasmussen's comment/link). To determine how much memory is being used you can look at:

  • SQLServer:Memory Manager\Total Server Memory perfmon counter
  • DMVs

I can't recall if there is a DMV or combination of that will give you the total memory allocation but the following will show the bulk of it.

SELECT TOP(10) [type] AS [Memory Clerk Type], SUM(single_pages_kb) AS [SPA Mem, Kb] 
FROM sys.dm_os_memory_clerks 
GROUP BY [type]  

SELECT DB_NAME(database_id) AS [Database Name],
COUNT(*) * 8/1024.0 AS [Cached Size (MB)]
FROM sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors
WHERE database_id > 4 -- system databases
AND database_id <> 32767 -- ResourceDB
GROUP BY DB_NAME(database_id)

The second is the most interesting usually, buffer pool allocations by database. This is where the lions share will be used and it can be useful to understand which of your databases are the biggest consumers.