SQL Server 2008 R2 Express – Silent Install and FullText Service Issues

full-text-searchinstallationsql serversql-server-2008-r2

I'm trying to build an installer for an app that installs SQL Server 2008 R2 ADV with fulltext already enabled, but couldn't sort it out.

It must support Windows XP, so that's the first OS I'm testing. It already has all the prerequisites installed.

The command I'm using to install is the following:

SQLEXPRADV_x86_ENU.exe /QUIETSIMPLE /SkipRules=RebootRequiredCheck 
    /ACTION=install /IAcceptSQLServerLicenseTerms=True 

The result of the installation is that the service for the instance (MSSQLFDLauncher$NAMED) is DISABLED and the account used is NT AUTHORITY\LocalService, which is strange because that's not the account I passed, and the service is disabled.

Is there a way to call the installer so it just RUNS with the fulltext? If I need to change the accounts for the services (I only need SQL and FULLTEXT), that doesn't require me to create accounts, I can do so, but I really need it to work.

The documentation is poor, and I've tested all the combinations I found on the web.

Really appreciate the help!

Best Answer

I solved by doing the following:

  • Using the original command of the post
  • Running a command to change the credential of the services (using sc.exe)
  • Rebooting so the services would start (calling sc start was not working, even if called multiple times, don't know if it's related to changing the service credentia