SQL Query – How to Return Columns Within a Given Range

pivotsql server

I have a table tblItems with records having the same UniqueID and Description but with different dates and amount.

Now I want to show the records by grouping them together using the UniqueIDs and then display the Amount under a dynamically created Date column using the same record.

Date range will be provided as parameter like start date and end date and based on the date range there might be N number of columns.

Described with the example….

tblItems table

║ ABCD       ║ Item Decsription 1 ║ 1/3/2014 ║ 2068    ║
║ PQRS       ║ Item Decsription 2 ║ 1/5/2014 ║ 412.104 ║
║ PQRS       ║ Item Decsription 2 ║ 1/5/2014 ║ 635.448 ║
║ UVWX       ║ Item Decsription 3 ║ 1/5/2014 ║ 214.52  ║
║ UVWX       ║ Item Decsription 3 ║ 1/7/2014 ║ 827.2   ║

I want to display this result as:

║ UNIQUECODE ║    DESCRIPTION     ║ 1/3/2014 ║ 1/5/2014 ║ 1/7/2014 ║  Total   ║
║ ABCD       ║ Item Decsription 1 ║     2068 ║ 0        ║ 0        ║ 2068     ║
║ PQRS       ║ Item Decsription 2 ║        0 ║ 1047.552 ║ 0        ║ 1047.552 ║
║ UVWX       ║ Item Decsription 3 ║        0 ║ 214.52   ║ 827.2    ║ 1041.72  ║

Best Answer

Your best bet is probably to use dynamic SQL to pivot your data. Here try this out.

IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#tblItems') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE #tblItems;
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##tblItemsTotal') IS NOT NULL
    DROP TABLE ##tblItemsTotal;

    UniqueCode CHAR(4),
    [Description] VARCHAR(100),
    [Date] Date,
    Amount Decimal(18,3)

VALUES  ('ABCD','Item Description 1','01/03/2014',2068),
        ('PQRS','Item Description 2','01/05/2014',412.104),
        ('PQRS','Item Description 2','01/07/2014',635.448),
        ('UVWX','Item Description 3','01/05/2014',214.52),
        ('UVWX','Item Description 3','01/07/2014',827.2);

--Now that I've set up the problem, here's for the actual code

--Declare your date range and variables to hold column lists
DECLARE @startDate DATE = '01/03/2014',
        @endDate DATE = '01/07/2014',
        @SelectCols VARCHAR(MAX),
        @PivotCols VARCHAR(MAX);

--Caluclate column lists
SELECT  @SelectCols =  COALESCE(@SelectCols + ',','') + 'ISNULL(pvt.' + QUOTENAME(CAST([Date] AS VARCHAR(25))) + ',0) AS ' + QUOTENAME(CAST([Date] AS VARCHAR(25))),
        @PivotCols =  COALESCE(@PivotCols + ',','') + QUOTENAME(CAST([Date] AS VARCHAR(10)))
FROM    #tblItems
WHERE   [Date] BETWEEN @startDate AND @endDate
GROUP BY [Date];

--Calculate your total within data range
SELECT  UniqueCode,
        SUM(amount) Total INTO ##tblItemsTotal
FROM #tblItems
WHERE [Date] BETWEEN @startDate AND @endDate
GROUP BY UniqueCode,[Description];

--Use dynamic SQL to pivot your data and join to ##tblItemsTotal for the Total column
    'SELECT pvt.UniqueCode,
            pvt.[Description],' +
            @selectCols +
     FROM #tblItems A
        SUM(Amount) FOR [Date] IN (' + @PivotCols + ')
     ) pvt
     INNER JOIN ##tblItemsTotal B 
     ON pvt.UniqueCode = B.UniqueCode'