SQL Query – Get Monthly Sales Per Product Including No Sales

sql server

Let's say we have a Product table (product_id, product_name) and a Sales table (product_id, date, qty, amount).

What sql query would return the monthly sales per product, and include products with no sales?

(I'm using sql server if that makes any difference).

Clarification: I want a row for each possible month/product tuple. If there was no sales for a given month/product it should show zero qty/sales

Best Answer

See if this is what you're looking for (adjust as needed):

set nocount on

--Declare a months table (or use a Date Dimension table)
Declare @Months Table (MonthNumber tinyint, MonthName varchar(20))
insert into @Months (MonthNumber,MonthName) values

--Declare a products table
Declare @Products table (Id int, ProductName Varchar(20)) 
insert into @Products (Id, ProductName)

Declare @Sales table (product_id int, [date] Date, qty int, amount decimal(11,2))
insert into @Sales (product_id, [date], qty, amount)

--Select Months and CROSS JOIN to Products, then
--LEFT JOIN to Sales.  Use ISNULL to return zeros
--for months/products with no sales
FROM @Months m
CROSS JOIN @Products p
LEFT JOIN @Sales s ON DatePart(MONTH, [date]) = M.MonthNumber
    AND S.product_id = P.ID
GROUP BY m.MonthNumber
ORDER BY M.MonthNumber

| MONTHNUMBER | MonthName | ProductName | QTY | AMOUNT |
| 1           | January   | Thingamabob | 0   | 0.00   |
| 1           | January   | Widgets     | 1   | 100.00 |
| 2           | February  | Thingamabob | 1   | 200.00 |
| 2           | February  | Widgets     | 0   | 0.00   |
| 3           | March     | Thingamabob | 0   | 0.00   |
| 3           | March     | Widgets     | 0   | 0.00   |
| 4           | April     | Thingamabob | 0   | 0.00   |
| 4           | April     | Widgets     | 0   | 0.00   |
| 5           | May       | Thingamabob | 0   | 0.00   |
| 5           | May       | Widgets     | 0   | 0.00   |
| 6           | June      | Thingamabob | 2   | 300.00 |
| 6           | June      | Widgets     | 0   | 0.00   |
| 7           | July      | Thingamabob | 0   | 0.00   |
| 7           | July      | Widgets     | 0   | 0.00   |
| 8           | August    | Thingamabob | 0   | 0.00   |
| 8           | August    | Widgets     | 0   | 0.00   |
| 9           | September | Thingamabob | 0   | 0.00   |
| 9           | September | Widgets     | 0   | 0.00   |
| 10          | October   | Thingamabob | 0   | 0.00   |
| 10          | October   | Widgets     | 0   | 0.00   |
| 11          | November  | Thingamabob | 0   | 0.00   |
| 11          | November  | Widgets     | 0   | 0.00   |
| 12          | December  | Thingamabob | 0   | 0.00   |
| 12          | December  | Widgets     | 0   | 0.00   |

Note: The OP did not indicate they wanted a solution that takes the year into consideration, so my solution does not deal with the notion of a year when aggregating the data. If the month is January (regardless of year), the counts go in the January bucket.

UPDATE: To clarify a bit further, I want a row for each possible month/product tuple. If there was no sales for a given month/product it should show zero qty/sales