SQL Server – Minimum Row Count

sql server

I have a stored procedure that allows users to pass in parameters.

FROM Table1
WHERE columnA =@paramA, ColumnB=@paramB....

I need to hide the results if there are less than 10 rows, but return them if there are more than 10. Is there a clean way to do this? Any help would be great.

Best Answer

You can use count(*) over() to make sure your result set has that many rows.

You didn't say what to do if the rows = 10, only > or <, so you may need to change the operand to >= based on what you want.


select *
into mytable
from (select 'X' as c1) x
cross apply (values(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10))as y(Y)

select * from mytable

--change the 10 to 11 to see it not return
select * from
select *, COUNT(*) OVER() CT
from mytable
where c1 = 'X'
) sub
where CT > 10