Sql-server – SQL Database automatic back up

backupsql server

I have an SQL database – I need to back it up everyday (at a minimum) – preferably multiple times a day – automatically so it definitely gets done.

I'm running Windows which the SQL database is stored on

What programs (prefer free ones) can I use to back it up – I'm completely new with SQL so if you're gonna explain something – do it in layman's terms thanks (:

It needs to get backed up to another server (on the lan).

Cheers for any help you can give!

Best Answer

You can do this directly through SQL Server. You can schedule the backups through SQL Server Agent and just call the backup command through the job. The job will allow you to schedule it as you please.

To make this even a bit easier you can create a Maintenance Plan directly in SQL Server and specify backing up the database.

There are a few options here, and no need to look outside of SQL Server for this functionality.

Here's an article on how to do this through a maintenance plan: http://weblogs.asp.net/sreejukg/archive/2010/01/20/scheduling-automated-backup-using-sql-server-2008.aspx