Sql-server – Snapshot not picking up new articles in SQL Server 2012 transaction replication when added through script


I am trying to add new articles to an existing publication in SQL Server 2012.

I am adding the article to the publication with the syntax

--add the table into the correct publication
sp_addarticle @publication='<publicationname>', @article='CardBookingType_tbl', @source_object='CardBookingType_tbl'

Previously on SQL Server 2008 I used to use the following syntax to subscribe to 1 table only and then run the snapshot. This no longers work on SQL 2012 as you have to subscribe to all articles.

--add the table into the subscription
EXEC sp_addsubscription
        @publication = '<publicationname>',
        @subscriber = '<Servername>',
        @destination_db = '<dbname>'


In SQL Server 2012, if I add the table via the GUI and then run the snapshot agent it picks up the new table fine. But if I add via the script it appears in the gui but the snapshot reports no new items were detected.

Seems like I am missing a piece of code to flag the subscribers as missing a article?

Best Answer

Maybe Brandon's idea here will help: How to add an article to existing replication

Summary of his suggestions to fix:

  1. execute sp_refreshsubscriptions for pull subscriptions
  2. or in push subscriptions use the sp_addsubscription as you mentioned (worked for me)

I wrote some code to help identify the "orphaned articles on subscriber's":

--Run from distributor
SELECT  pub.data_source AS Publisher ,
        a.Publisher_db ,
        p.Publication ,
        sub.data_source AS Subscriber ,
        s.Subscriber_db ,
FROM   distribution.dbo.MSarticles as a
LEFT JOIN distribution.dbo.MSpublications AS p ON a.publisher_id = p.publisher_id AND a.publication_id = p.publication_id
JOIN sys.servers AS pub ON p.publisher_id = pub.server_id
LEFT JOIN distribution.dbo.MSsubscriptions AS s ON a.publisher_id = s.publisher_id AND a.publication_id = s.publication_id AND a.article_id = s.article_id
LEFT JOIN sys.servers AS sub ON s.subscriber_id = sub.server_id
WHERE s.subscriber_db IS NULL --Leave off for great documentation, but this will show the "orphaned" subscribers effected by this issue.