Sql-server – Single query approach to split and copy string values in a column

sql serversql-server-2008substring

This is a part of my previous question.

I have the below logic to split a string value from a column in table tblProjects as below:

SELECT  @Docs = Documents FROM tblProjects WHERE ID = @ID 
SET @Docs = @Docs + '$'
SET @pos = 0
SET @len = 0

WHILE CHARINDEX('$', @Docs, @pos + 1)>0
  SET @len = CHARINDEX('$', @Docs, @pos + 1) - @pos
  SET @value = SUBSTRING(@Docs, @pos, @len)

  IF CHARINDEX('|', @value) >0
    SELECT  @type = SUBSTRING(@value, 1, CHARINDEX('|', @value) - 1),
            @name = SUBSTRING(@value, CHARINDEX('|', @value) + 1, 200)
    INSERT INTO tblDocuments VALUES(@ID, @value, @type, @name)

  SET @pos = CHARINDEX('$', @Docs, @pos + @len) +1

A sample input would be

insert into tblProjects(ID, Documents) 
values('P_1', 'gdgfg|jkkgk$bkgkkj|kjgkgk$vjffj|Khkgjhg$jkgkvghv|kbkghhkgk');

I need to split the Documents string and insert the values into a separate table. Values delimited by | should go into separate columns of the same row, whereas values for a particular row are delimited by $.

Is there a single query method to complete this operation, for all rows in the table, in the minimum possible time?

Best Answer

You should make use of a split string function.

select left(S.Item, charindex('|', S.Item) - 1),
       stuff(S.Item, 1, charindex('|', S.Item), '')
from dbo.tblProjects as P
  cross apply dbo.SplitString(P.Documents, '$') as S;

Aaron Bertrand blogged about some of the alternatives you have in Split strings the right way – or the next best way