SQL Server – Simple Methods to Export and Import Data

sql server

I have two SQL Server instances, each with a database.

They are not on the same network and not connected to the Internet and the only way to get data between them is with a thumbdrive.

I want to export a table from one of the computers, put the exported data on a thumbdrive, then import the data into the other computer.

How do I do that?

The data has NULLS so I am afraid a flat file transfer will change the data. That is, a NULL is converted to an empty string.

The other solutions I have found require using linked servers or otherwise keeping the data in the databases.

In DB2 this is easy because I run a EXPORT command that exports to a ".idx" file and then IMPORT command that imports the data. This command also defines the table.

This data is only 23,000 rows.

Best Answer

Right Click DatabaseName -> Go to Task -> Generate Script One dialog is open

1). Select ALL Table & Click on Next

2). Click on Advance Select button and select value "Data only" in Type data to Script dropdown

3). And Click Finish

4). Copy result .sql file to target machine.

5). run resultant .sql file to target machine.