Sql-server – Should I be regularly shrinking the DB or at least the log file

dbccmaintenancesql server

My question is, should I be running one or both of the shrink command regularly,






Sql Server: Database is 200 gigs, logs are 150 gigs.

running this command

SELECT name ,size/128.0 - 
CAST(FILEPROPERTY(name, 'SpaceUsed') AS int) / 128.0 
AS AvailableSpaceInMB FROM sys.database_files;`

produces this output..

MyDB: 159.812500 MB free

MyDB_Log: 149476.390625 MB free

So it seems there is some free space.

Our backup schedule is as follows:

  1. Transaction Logs Once an hour
  2. Full Backups twice a week
  3. Differential Backups 5 times a week

Best Answer

I strongly recommend you read Paul Randal's article on why you should NOT shrink data files (log files yes, data files no).

I won't quote or try to summarise the article as I really wouldn't do it justice! Just something I think you should at the very least be aware of.

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