SQL Server Join Warning – Should I Be Alarmed by NO JOIN PREDICATE Warning?

execution-plansql serversql-server-2008-r2warning

I'm troubleshooting the bits and pieces of a poorly-performing stored procedure. This section of the procedure is throwing a NO JOIN PREDICATE warning

    method = 
        case methoddescription 
            when 'blah' then 'Ethylene Oxide'
            when NULL then 'N/A'
            else methoddescription
    testmethod = 
        case methoddescription 
            when 'blah' then 'Biological Indicators'
            when NULL then 'N/A'
            else 'Dosimeter Reports'
    result = 
        case when l.res is null or l.res <> 1 then 'Failed'
        else 'Passed'
    datecomplete = COALESCE(CONVERT(varchar(10), NULL, 101),'N/A')
from db2.dbo.view ls
    join db1.dbo.table l
        on ls.id = l.id
    where item = '19003'
        and l.id = '732820'

The view ([ls]) calls a remote server (the remote query %41 on the right of the plan).

Here is an image of the plan:


I only ask this question because of this blog post and I want to make sure this won't come back to bite me later.

Best Answer

Because we know that l.id = '732820' and ls.id = l.id then SQL Server derives that ls.id = '732820'


FROM   db2.dbo.VIEW ls
       JOIN db1.dbo.table l
         ON ls.id = l.id
WHERE  l.id = '732820' 

is the same as

  ( /*...*/ FROM   db2.dbo.VIEW ls WHERE id = '732820'  )
  ( /*...*/  FROM   db1.dbo.table l WHERE id = '732820'  )

This rewrite is not bad for performance .

This derivation is a good thing. It allows SQL Server to filter out rows ... earlier than would otherwise be possible.