Sql-server – Setup Managed Backup failure

azure-blob-storageazure-sql-databasesql server

I am trying to setup Managed Backup (in Azure SQL) using SQLServer 2014 (Ent 64bit) and it is failing.

I have the credential created with Identity as the Storage account name and Password set with current Access key, I've tried both keys as well.

When I run through the GUI to Enable managed backup, set the retention period, add the SQL credential (which updates the Storage URL) and I press OK, I get the follow error message back:
Alter failed for

SmartAdmin 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.ObjectKeyBase'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)

Failed to access the storage URL 'https://[storageaccountname].blob.core.windows.net/' using credential 'MyCredName'.
Provide a valid SQL Credential for the storage URL. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 45207)

I downloaded Azure Storage Explorer from codeplex to test connection and it works, I can browse, upload, delete from my local machine.

I tried this from one of our on prem servers as well and same error. What am I missing?

Best Answer

Issue identified. The network admin didn't have the separate Azure domain environments trusted, although he said that he did. I tried this and failed in our SQL DEV environment/domain in Azure, which isn't trusted. I then, for sake of troubleshooting and communicating to the powers to be, tried it from our SQL QA environment/domain in Azure and it worked flawlessly! The network admin compared the two environments and found the issue. Network issue after all.