Sql-server – Setting up a table with a calculated column


I'm setting up a table in sql server 2008. It going to hold three columns (busTime, trainTime, carTime). I want these columns to hold the amount of time a user spends traveling per day. I then want to set up a calculated column that will work out the total time per day.

My question is what data type should I use for the three columns and if it's a weird data type that I've not used before (like "time") what would be the calculation that I would use on my calculated column.



Best Answer

Why not just a smallint to represent "minutes"?
This is easily translated or formatted (in client code) or SUMmed etc

The actual conversion to minutes can be done in client code or as a DATEDIFF between start and end. I wouldn't use time personally for this because it won't process well (eg can't have > 23:59:59.9999999 if you want to see the monthly time