Sql-server – Selecting multiple values from a column and put them into separate columns

dynamic-sqlsql server

I have a table like this:

MainUser | PartyUser
George   | Tom
Michael  | Tim
Michael  | James
Michael  | Monica
Jim      | Nick
Jim      | Connie

And I need to get something like this:

MainUser | PartyUser1 | PartyUser2 | PartyUser3 | PartyUser4 ...
George   | Tom        |            |            |
Michael  | Tim        | James      | Monica     |
Jim      | Nick       | Connie     |            |

Can someone help to find a way doing this in sql?
I'm having a hard time figuring this out, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

The simple way (assuming you already know all the party users) would be to use pivot() and row_number() statements.

select  MainUser, 
        [1] as PartyUser1, 
        [2] as PartyUser2, 
        [3] as PartyUser3, 
        [4] as PartyUser4, 
        [5] as PartyUser5, 
        [6] as PartyUser6
from (
    select *, row_number() over(partition by MainUser order by PartyUser) as rn
    from party_table
    ) t
PIVOT (max(PartyUser) for rn in ([1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6])) as u